30 x 30 cm
Showcased at the HKwalls 2019 pop-up exhibition, The Plumber King was created by the local artist, The Plumber King.
The Plumber King is a local street painter whose unique calligraphy based advertisements adorns many of Hong Kong’s walls. Despite lacking any formal training, the Plumber King’s writing is attractive and easy on the eyes. The spontaneity of his work coupled with his modest and humble background has made the Plumber King a local legend in Hong Kong.
香港本地塗鴉藝術家 The Plumber King 繪製的 The Plumber King 於 HKwalls 2019 快閃展覽中展出。
The Plumber King 是一名本地街頭畫家, 其獨特的字體根據香港牆上聚多廣告裝飾品而創造。儘管沒受過任何正式訓練, The Plumber King 的寫作仍然非常吸引又易於入眼。作品的自發性配上他謙虛的背景使他成為一個香港本地傳奇。